Geomembranes for Potable Water
EPI fabricates 40 mil thick potable water grade PVC geomembrane liners for all your food processing needs.
Benefits of Potable Water PVC:
- One-piece fabrication is more economical
- Custom fabricated to any size
- Quick turnaround time
- Made of sun-reflecting white material
Typical Applications:
- Brine Solution
- Food Processing
- Pickling
- Potable Water
- Vinegars
- Drinking-Water
Product Specifications for Potable Water PVC Geomembrane Liners:
Northern Michigan Tart Cherries
Standard Sizes Available:
- Arrow 35' x 55'
- Arrow 35' x 60'
Williamsburg Receiving and Storage in Williamsburg, Michigan
has 67 cherry brine storage pits utilizing 40 mils potable water
grade material from EPI. Each liner is 35' x 58'.
EPI has 40 mils Potable Water material in stock and is available
for immediate shipment.
For more information, call 800-OK-LINER today!
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